Family background
Robert Ho was born in 1941. He is married to the Hon Helen Sham-Ho, former Liberal MLC for New South Wales, and the first Chinese-born Parliamentarian in Australia. They have three children.
Occupation & interests
Robert Ho arrived in Australia in 1959, aged 18. He has built a successful career in trading and as a restaurant owner. With his business partner Phillip Chau, he is the owner of the BBQ King restaurant.
Community activity
Robert Ho is a well-known Chinese community leader who has been actively involved in fundraising for charities and working with many community groups. He is a member of the Sze Yup Society, and was a member of the Quong Tart Centenary Commemoration Committee 2003 and the 2004 Sydney International Dragon Boat Festival Committee. He and his wife were Councillors of the Australia Chinese Community Associations for 2004-05.
Honours & awards
Robert Ho was awarded an OAM in 1987 for services to the community and international trade.
Local government service
Robert Ho was elected to the City of Sydney Council from 1999 to 2003. He served on the Finance, Properties and Tender Committee, the Cultural and City Care Committee, the Community Service, Small Business and Tourism Committee, the Planning and Development Committee, and the Central Sydney Planning Committee. Robert Ho stood as a member of the Civic Reform Group.
City of Sydney Archives: Aldermen’s Files