Tom Pawley


Terms served on Council

Title Council From To
Alderman Newtown 1926 1928
Alderman Newtown 1932 1934
  • Jubilee souvenir of the municipality of Newtown, 1862-1912 (City of Sydney Archives LIB-00017635)

Family background

Medway Thomas Barnabus Rowland ‘Tom’ Pawley was born 15 December 1878; his parents were Rowland Pawley and Elizabeth Medway. He was married to Zelpha Rose Walker in 1899; they had six children including Rawson George Pawley (also an alderman on Newtown Council). Tom Pawley’s grandfather was Matthew Medway. Tom Pawley died on 30 April 1937.

Community activity

Tom Pawley was a Grand Master of the National Independent Order of Oddfellows, a justice of the peace (JP) and an honorary probation office under the Neglected Childrens Act. He was also on the board of the Newtown Friendly Society Dispensary and a nominator and representative at the Anglican Synod.

Local government service

Tom Pawley was an alderman on Newtown Council 1926-28 and 1932-34, representing Camden Ward.


Oddfellows’, The Sydney Morning Herald, 13 September 1923, p. 8

‘Mr M T Pawley’, The Sydney Morning Herald, 3 May 1937, p. 11


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