Tony Pooley


Terms served on Council

Title Council From To
Councillor South Sydney 2000 2004
Mayor South Sydney 2002 2004
Councillor City of Sydney 2004 2008

Family background

Tony Pooley was a long term resident of Redfern. He was formerly on the staff of NSW Parliament House in Macquarie Street.

Community activity

Tony Pooley has a history of involvement with community services and was concerned with the rights and needs of older citizens and those with disabilities. He was in favour of removing the tight planning controls of the old Sydney City Council and replacing them with the looser South Sydney controls.

Local government service

Tony Pooley was formerly Mayor of South Sydney Council and proposed the amalgamation of the City of South Sydney (founded in 1988) with the City of Sydney in 2004. He became a Councillor of the newly-merged City of Sydney Council in November 2003. He was a representative of the ALP.


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